Jazz Performance

I went to a jazz performance last week for my BCR. I was not going in to it with super high expectations of being blown away, but I was extremely surprised how much I enjoyed it. It made me think how little live music we consume since the start of recording devices. Back in the… Continue reading Jazz Performance

Children’s songs

My main note that I have to offer regarding children’s music that are designed around the Bible, is how they are designed for accessibility. They are not generally produced in order to teach a lesson and be accurate as much as they are for kids to have fun and be introduced to the Bible. It… Continue reading Children’s songs

David and Bathsheba

I think the music that would be playing during a theatrical representation of the story of David and Bathsheba could go a number of different ways. It is obviously a serious and somber scene as it deals with a number of different heavy topics such as murder, adultery, etc. In my head I imagine it… Continue reading David and Bathsheba

The Bible as Entertainment

I find it very interesting how different reactions you can get from using the Bible as a form of entertainment. When it is a positive portrayal it seems most Christians are alright or even endorse it. However, when it is a negative or even neutral portrayal, there seems to be a very strong reaction from… Continue reading The Bible as Entertainment

Giving Scripture a “Halo”

The concept of emphasizing written text by italicization or underlining is not unfamiliar to me, neither is the concept of having inflections in your voice in order to get the point across that what you are saying is important. What is new to me is tph concept of reading the Scriptures that are held to… Continue reading Giving Scripture a “Halo”