The Lord’s Prayer

In class today, we discussed The Lord’s Prayer and how there are differences between the gospels of Matthew and Luke. The version found in Matthew provides a slightly longer version on the prayer that includes “but rescue us from the evil one” at the very end. The version in Luke does not include this final… Continue reading The Lord’s Prayer

Love Songs in the Bible

In class today we discussed how love songs are often popular types of songs in any genre. We discussed how the Bible also has love songs within it. The Song of Songs provides many different love poems that have been set to music or have had music based off of them. This is because many… Continue reading Love Songs in the Bible

Different Composing Styles

In class today, we talked about the different ways to stray from the traditional ways of combining notes and creating melodies. Many composers, like Wagner and Schoenberg, got rid of traditional melodies and created music that seemed to just meander along and not have a distinctive melody that ends up going somewhere. Schoenberg also created… Continue reading Different Composing Styles

Exodus and Music

In class today, we talked about the Exodus story and how it has influenced music, and how it has been influenced by music. The story has been able to be popularized because music often accompanies the telling of the story. Because there is often music with it, the Exodus story is very common and well… Continue reading Exodus and Music

Children’s Songs

I found it very interesting how many of the songs that we listened to in class, especially the ones that told different Biblical stories, were romanticized in order to be more appealing to children. This was the case with the many different Veggie Tales songs. The stories depicted in the songs did come from the… Continue reading Children’s Songs

Different Genres

In class today, we discussed how different genres can often be defined by the instruments played during the song. For example, electric guitar is nearly always attributed to rock music. The acoustic guitar can often be seen in many different genres. We do not necessarily have to change the words of a song in order… Continue reading Different Genres

The Minor Key

In the reading for Thursday’s class, the works that conveyed sad or tragic meanings were set to the minor key. The information about the context of the works were provided, so it was easy to grasp the feeling of the music. For example, O Jonathan, Woe is Me, conveys the grief David feels after Jonathan… Continue reading The Minor Key

Remaking Other’s Music

I found it very interesting how the Magnificat has been set to music so many times by too many composers to even list. To what extent does this transition from composers making their own original music to composers simply remaking someone else’s music? This actually reminded me of a rabbit hole I found myself in… Continue reading Remaking Other’s Music