Enjoyment of Performing

I really appreciated noting that Messiah was also very enjoyable for the performers, as well as the audience. I think a lot of times people assume that, because someone is performing music, they are automatically enjoying it. However, this often times is not the case, and I think the pieces that are most enjoyed by the… Continue reading Enjoyment of Performing

Controversy Around Biblical Entertainment

I had never really thought that using different stories from the Bible as a way to entertain would be considered controversial before. After reading the part in the textbook concerning Jesus Christ, Superstar and presence of other films depicting Biblical stories, I understand not why this could cause problems with different denominations of the church. Some… Continue reading Controversy Around Biblical Entertainment

Creating Music

Last class, we went through a lot of different websites, apps, and computer programs that can aid in making music. For me, the websites that saved different sounds and showed them all in a line were really interesting because you can see a lot more easily how the music will turn out. This also allows… Continue reading Creating Music

The Common Meter

I thought it was really interesting how so many different songs can easily fit into the common meter and how the different rhythms of popular songs can change how the Psalm feels while its been sung. It is strange that simply changing the rhythm or style of the music can make the words you are… Continue reading The Common Meter

Meters and the Psalms

I found it interesting that many of the Psalms can easily fit into many different meters. The “common meter” seemed to work especially well and could be used for any of the Psalms in the textbook. This just demonstrates how the Bay Psalm Book was very expertly translated for the purpose of singing and setting… Continue reading Meters and the Psalms

Recreating Old Instruments

I thought it was really interesting how, some of the instruments mentioned in The Bible, like a lyre, can still be recreated and even played. This can help us understand the type of musical background that my accompany the lyrics given to us in various areas of scripture. It also allows modern-day artists and songwriters… Continue reading Recreating Old Instruments