Songs in Movies

When listening to a number of the songs from class, I felt as though the melodies and beats were found in many of my favorite movies. After realizing this I started to pay more attention to music when watching movies. I found that music is so important in films and that without the aspect of… Continue reading Songs in Movies

Children Songs

The last couple of classes we have been discussing a number of Biblical children songs. When I think of these songs I feel as though they are sort of the first exposure children have to religion and the Bible. At a young age, children don’t usually understand what the Bible or the idea of religion… Continue reading Children Songs

King David

A few classes ago we discussed the story of King David and Bathsheba. For me, this is a story that I’ve heard hundreds of times throughout my life in a variety of forms from movies to songs and of course from the original Biblical scripture. Growing up, I saw this story as a sort of… Continue reading King David

The Crucifixion of Jesus

The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ was one of the most momentous events of our history. It is often portrayed in movies, books, and even music as this massive turning point in the history of religion and Christianity. Without the sacrifice taken by Jesus the whole premise of Christianity would be forever changed. He died for… Continue reading The Crucifixion of Jesus

Music Apps

After today’s class, I explored the many different music apps that we talked about in class. All of them were very different and allowed for some alternate form of expression and ways of making music. It showed the vast range of music creation and development, even if some of the apps were ones I would… Continue reading Music Apps

Is Music Poetry?

I feel that in a way music is definitely a form of poetry. They are both methods for people to express their emotions and release what they are truly feeling. Some people feel more comfortable expressing themselves through music and songs while others feel a greater sense of expression in writing and reading poetry. Overall… Continue reading Is Music Poetry?