exodus and spirituals

the stories from the book of the exodus are where most spirituals are based on stories from this book in the bible. most of these songs were based on the story of Moses freeing the Israelites from slavery. though these songs there including stories from the book of exodus it was based on topics from… Continue reading exodus and spirituals


the idea of spirituals normally pertains to the time where African Americans were in slavery. theses spirituals came around due to plantation owners introducing their slaves to the Christian bible. the slaves quickly found the bible verses about how the god of the Israelites from the clutches of slavery in Egypt. the slaves then made… Continue reading spirituals

how theological music we make can be affected by our own lives.

when one makes theological music one’s own theology and the place where they live can heavily affect what someone creates. it can affect what texts we even try to put to music because we are more likely to make music that pertains to things or topics we find important to ourselves. or even the type… Continue reading how theological music we make can be affected by our own lives.

music in biblical movies

music can greatly affect how we see things that they are paired with. they can make thing pull harder on our heartstrings than if it was accompanied by silence. that is my songs in biblical movies like the prince of Egypt even though they never happened in the actual story they were based on can… Continue reading music in biblical movies