Perception vs. Reality

In class today we watched a couple different clips of the crucifixion of Jesus, and it was interesting to see how unique each of them was and to also think about how unique each of our own perceptions of the events that unfolded is. We all interpret the events that happened differently in our own… Continue reading Perception vs. Reality

Behind the Crucifixion

Jesus’ crucifixion to me, is the most important event that was told in the Bible. In class two students mentioned that His crucifixion means sacrifice and salvation to them, and I fully agree. The idea that after Jesus was crucified on the cross, every child of God’s sins will be forgiven and will be given… Continue reading Behind the Crucifixion

Answering My Questions

For my Passion story, I would start it near or before Palm Sunday, celebrated the Sunday before Easter. I would end the story at Pentecost. I would do this because I think from a Christian perspective it is important to include the Great Commission because it shows why the crucifixion of Jesus is important. I… Continue reading Answering My Questions


In observing, listening, and reading about Bach’s Passions, it was brought to my attention that not only does the word “passion” hold such a strong religious meaning and connotation, but the word also has varying meaning. The discovery that today’s connotation and common meaning of the word is much different than the true definition and… Continue reading Passion