Significance of the Crucifixion

Even though it does not seem the Bible discusses the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ for very long, it is important to recognize its significance. Many discuss whether or not it is the most important event in the Bible. The Crucifixion was the ultimate sacrifice by Jesus Christ for his people to have eternal life. Jesus… Continue reading Significance of the Crucifixion

Crucifixion in Music

Today, in class, we discussed Jesus’s Crucifixion and how it has been theologically interpreted in music. The original text of the Bible distinctly shows the expression of emotions from the perception of those who were onlookers of the Crucifixion. Music with the death of Jesus Christ represents the same emotional appeal. On top of the… Continue reading Crucifixion in Music

Significance of the Crucifixion

The meaning of the crucifixion to Christians is that it was the ultimate sacrifice for people in order for their sins to be forgiven. Jesus is seen as the metaphorical lamb that was sacrificed so those who follow him can receive salvation and the forgiveness of their sin. After the crucifixion, animal sacrifice that was… Continue reading Significance of the Crucifixion


I have never focused on the Passions of Bach but looking at it now most of his work has highlighted and was influenced by Christianity and the Bible. I particularly liked listening to the Passion according to St Luke. It shows that Bach liked to tell the story with strings and bass. In the questions… Continue reading Passions


In the original text of the crucifixion of Jesus, there is not a lot of emotion. In the original text it is simply the facts of the story, there is not a lot of detail used to describe the crucifixion or how those closest to Jesus felt.  In the St. John Passion, emotion is added.… Continue reading Passio(n)

A Passion for Passions

The story of Jesus’ death and crucifixion is one of the most well-known stories in our society. There are very few, both nonbelievers and believers, who have not heard this famous story in the modern age. Children are taught from a young age the story or have it passed down to them. For this reason… Continue reading A Passion for Passions