Virtual Music Producing

After class on 9/16, I have been playing around on the different websites provided as options for producing music. I have found the most comfortability and flexibility with the website Beatmaker. With very little ability and knowledge in the music-producing topic before this class, this website offers a wide range of possibilities for simplifying the… Continue reading Virtual Music Producing

Learning Guitar

When I was a sophomore in high school I got a guitar for Christmas. Throughout the years, I have learned how to play solely in order to sing with the music I was creating. The songs I enjoy singing are contemporary worship songs that basically only have 4 chords, G, D, Em, and C with… Continue reading Learning Guitar

Music Creation

This is going to be a shorter blog post today, but here it goes. I really like the guitar function on Garageband. It could be really useful for background/secondary guitar. The auto-play feature is really nice. I like that they have pedals and different types of guitars for different types of music. I wish that… Continue reading Music Creation

Music Creation

Today (09/16) in class we explored different websites and apps that can be used to create music. I was not aware of how many there are. I have only used a couple before, such as GarageBand because it comes with my IOS devices and I was curious what it was. I have also had a… Continue reading Music Creation

Music Apps

After today’s class, I explored the many different music apps that we talked about in class. All of them were very different and allowed for some alternate form of expression and ways of making music. It showed the vast range of music creation and development, even if some of the apps were ones I would… Continue reading Music Apps

Psalms are Praises!

The book of Psalms is the most famous and admirable example of music in the Bible. The writers of the Psalms used their lyrics as a vehicle to communicate with their God. The writers wrote songs of praise to God to express their joy to Him, they wrote songs of questioning to express their doubts,… Continue reading Psalms are Praises!