Storytelling in Music

During class on Tuesday, we listened to a few musical creations based on accounts of Creation in Genesis. This discussion itself was very interesting and definitely challenged some of my own widely held beliefs, because I was hearing viewpoints I had never heard before. For example, I was never aware that people believe that there… Continue reading Storytelling in Music

Copland with Genesis

Regarding he book that talks about how most composers conclude their music in Genesis at 2:2 or 2:3 makes sense. This is when in Genesis, it concludes on the seventh day of God’s creations, and he saw it was good. However, Copland decided to take his musical creation a step further, through to Genesis 2:7.… Continue reading Copland with Genesis

Cover Songs

Today in class we talked about covers and if they really are the same song repeated. The cover I thought of first is Guns N Roses cover of Knocking on Heavens Door which was originally released by Bob Dylan. These two songs are very different songs. Yes, they might have the same lyrics but they… Continue reading Cover Songs

Creation and Originality

Today, Tuesday, September 14, 2021, in class we talked about the creation story in the Bible and how it contributes to musical creation and looked at different creations of music about the creation story in Genesis.  Also in the reading, we read about the creation of music and how originality plays into creating music, and… Continue reading Creation and Originality

Genesis to Music

In a song, you can make a lot of different songs/sounds with just only five notes. We enjoy the things that happen in music because it’s something familiar to us. When people make covers of a song, most don’t like the fact that it’s different from the original. Different people singing the book of Genesis,… Continue reading Genesis to Music

Genesis & the Creation

Chapter six in the textbook discusses Genesis and the content of the Creation in the Bible. The textbook states how it can be origination of creativity and helpfulness when creating music. After researching a little bit, I found the verses in Genesis are in many songs. Genesis is extremely important to the entire creation of… Continue reading Genesis & the Creation

Aaron Copland

In class today we listened to the video “Aaron Copland in the Beginning, San Diego Pro Arte Voices”. This innovative and creative piece had a smooth serene melody which had a unique theme. The voices were very divided and the voices went from originally being smooth to quickly picking up with a more intense speed… Continue reading Aaron Copland

Genesis Copeland v. Orchestra

Copeland’s Arrangement of Genesis, I feel, gives the listeners a more exaggerated yet more compelling explanation of feeling of Genesis.  The orchestral arrangement yet good to ear for the most part, I feel again, did not make me instantly explore how it’s related to the Bible.  Also shows to that the creator of the arrangement… Continue reading Genesis Copeland v. Orchestra