Romance Through the Bible

The passage from Song of Songs showed a lot of poetic imagery. It’s full of poetic romance and was how flirting worked in the bible. This was seen as compliments and romantic. In today’s society, we wouldn’t take that as flirting, we would find that really weird. The text isn’t in our language even though… Continue reading Romance Through the Bible

Romance in the Bible

Love is constantly in the Bible, “For God so loved the world,” “Love is patient,” and “We love because he first loved us.” We read of Christ’s unconditional love for his people in many parts of the Bible, but there are multiple discussions of romantic love scenes. The book of Solomon contains romance, as well… Continue reading Romance in the Bible

Spirituals (10/21)

As someone who has grown up in a black baptist church, I am very familiar with spirituals. We still use many to this day. To think that spirituals would still be so prominent in black churches today is amazing. These spirituals bring some type of connection with our ancestors and the trauma and hell they… Continue reading Spirituals (10/21)

Love Songs in the Bible

In class today we discussed how love songs are often popular types of songs in any genre. We discussed how the Bible also has love songs within it. The Song of Songs provides many different love poems that have been set to music or have had music based off of them. This is because many… Continue reading Love Songs in the Bible

Solomon’s Song of Songs

In the beginning of class today we talked about Solomon’s Song of Songs. We reviewed text from the piece “Colloquy of Bride and Friends” and how the song related to the bible, love, and other themes of common music. The text reflects Gods love for the church with the metaphors of love for “him” which… Continue reading Solomon’s Song of Songs

Genealogy & Rutter

Last Thursday, 10/28, in class we discussed the concept of including genealogy into music. The example of Abhram’s family lineage brought into music was a very interesting and attention capturing way of learning about specific genealogies. I wanted to recognize in this blog post how such an uninteresting topic can be completely transformed by music. … Continue reading Genealogy & Rutter

Peaceful Music

Peaceful music is interesting because it is simple and beautiful. I genuinly like peaceful music because it calms me and allows me to relax in stressful situations. My favorite peaceful song artist is Sam Smith. His music is calm and genuine. I also like Ocean Eyes by Blackbear. These are more recent pop artists, but… Continue reading Peaceful Music