Additional Children’s Song & Biblical References

Today’s class was designated to share our discoveries on children’s songs and their specific connection to the Bible. While coming up with the song I decided to share with the class, I had another song I considered sharing but decided against it. The song “Jesus Loves Me” is arguably a song nearly every child raised… Continue reading Additional Children’s Song & Biblical References

Children’s Music

Meeting today on Zoom and hearing all of the children’s songs was a wonderful reminder of how great a tool music can be. One thing I noticed, that I’m sure we will likely discuss in class, is the common use of repetition. Almost every single song that was presented had some sort of repeating phrase… Continue reading Children’s Music

Children’s Songs

I found it very interesting how many of the songs that we listened to in class, especially the ones that told different Biblical stories, were romanticized in order to be more appealing to children. This was the case with the many different Veggie Tales songs. The stories depicted in the songs did come from the… Continue reading Children’s Songs

Children’s Music

As we shared our children’s songs today, we came to a lot of interesting ideas. I think one of the biggest ideas that we touched on was that in the telling of Biblical stories, especially within children’s music, elements of the stories are often purposefully left out. A story in which this commonly takes place… Continue reading Children’s Music

Biblical Children’s Songs

Today, in class, we shared Biblical Children’s Songs via Zoom. Some songs touched home within us, and some songs were used multiple times by my classmates. Many of the songs reiterated the importance of believing in Jesus Christ(second chances, etc.) and others were about simple stories the Bible tells. It was interesting to see how… Continue reading Biblical Children’s Songs

Children’s Biblical Music

I enjoyed listening to everyone share the children’s songs they chose today. The one I picked was “This is My Commandment.” Which relates to John 13: 34-35 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my… Continue reading Children’s Biblical Music

King David

In class on Thursday we learned about King David. King David is prevalent in the Bible, as well as biblical music, films, etc. An example of this is the story of David and Bathsheba. There are different portrayals and thoughts about this story. The way the story is told in the Bible is different from… Continue reading King David

The Crucifixion

In class on Tuesday we looked at different portrayals of the crucifixion of Jesus. We looked at different movies, plays, musicals, etc. It is interesting how many different interpretations there are. They are all telling the same story, but can be done so differently. One portrayal we looked at was from the 1960s. It looked… Continue reading The Crucifixion