What is an Allusion?

Recently, we have been looking at biblical allusions in popular music. An allusion is not when something just mentions the word “God” or “Lord.” Many songs include the word “God” but are not referring to the Bible. An allusion is an expression that refers to something without mentioning it directly. There are many biblical allusions… Continue reading What is an Allusion?

Allusions and examples

What is an allusion? This was one of the questions today. One example of the wrong example of an allusion would be “God” or “Lord”, these are not allusions to the Bible. Maybe something talking about resurrection instead of Jesus can allude to the Bible. We talked about Narnia for example and how the Lion… Continue reading Allusions and examples


An allusion, by definition, is an expression designed to call something to mind without mentioning it explicitly; an indirect or passing reference. It is meant for a stimulating experience to its viewers when they make the correlation with what the piece is referencing. Smart artists put them in their lyrics and artworks all the time.


Tonality in music is the guideline of getting sorted out melodic pieces around a focal note, the tonic. For the most part, any Western or non-Western music occasionally gets back to a focal, or central, a tone that displays resonance (tonality). All the more explicitly, tonality alludes to the specific arrangement of connections between notes,… Continue reading Tonality

What Is An Allusion

  An Allusion that is often used in English translation of the bible doesn’t make it an allusion to the Bible. Like using the word God, Lord or Hallelujah. People use these words as an expression…example, “hallelujah, were saved!” People can be not religious and use this to show their gratitude but not towards God.… Continue reading What Is An Allusion

(extra blog) Mutiple story versions and how they can be used to create music

there are many different interpretations of the bible each saying things a bit differently. each of these interpretations is made up of slightly different wording. the wording of the verses greatly affects what one can make music through using the verses. since these stories have many different ways they can be told it makes it… Continue reading (extra blog) Mutiple story versions and how they can be used to create music