Musical Evolution

Today in class Dr. McGrath asked the question, “What is the oldest song you know?” Most people probably had no idea, but don’t we all know Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and the alphabet song? As Dr. McGrath mentioned, Mozart did work with the melody, but it is suspected that the melody originated 20 years before… Continue reading Musical Evolution

Chanting and Pitch.

This Thursday, September 1, we talked about chanting and what chanting is, and how it sounds.  As well as how pitch can play a role in chanting and determining what certain words can mean based on pitch.  We started off class thinking about some old songs we personally knew and in some cases realizing some… Continue reading Chanting and Pitch.

Giving Scripture a “Halo”

The concept of emphasizing written text by italicization or underlining is not unfamiliar to me, neither is the concept of having inflections in your voice in order to get the point across that what you are saying is important. What is new to me is tph concept of reading the Scriptures that are held to… Continue reading Giving Scripture a “Halo”

Melody = Memorization

When reading the Bible, listening to a message, or participating in the responsive reading at my church, I never truly remember the words. I definitely cannot hear something once and repeat the exact words right back to you; however, I can hear a song and most likely regurgitate the chorus after the song is completed.… Continue reading Melody = Memorization


It was interesting to learn that chants are very common forms of religious practice in religions like Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, etc. Although chanting sounds more primal than music, is actually very similar, has melodies, notes, and has been used for ages.

The Bible and Music

In the first class, we learned about how music correlates with The Bible and how humans have used music for all of time to communicate, express emotions, and tell meaningful stories. It was interesting to learn that the very first instrument was actually the voice, then came the lyre, and the flute was not very… Continue reading The Bible and Music