Helping vs. Hindering

Tuesday in class we briefly talked about how, in the bible, in order to paint a picture of the instruments that were used in that time, the names of instruments that are familiar to us are used, such as a harp and flute. The goal of using these words are accomplished because we imagine the… Continue reading Helping vs. Hindering

Ancient Music and the Bible

I thought it was really interesting hearing examples of the music in the bible. The lyre especially is really fascinating to me. As a guitar player, amongst other things, the lute made more sense to me. But, it was really cool seeing the lyre because of the lack of frets. The music was so complex… Continue reading Ancient Music and the Bible

Ancient Music and the Bible

In class on Tuesday, August 31, we talked about ancient music and the Bible, as well as, covering some concepts of music in general, what forms music, and how we see that in the Bible.  It was very interesting to listen and learn and start to think about the bible from another perspective and focus… Continue reading Ancient Music and the Bible

History of the Bible

I never realized until today how many times the Bible has been translated. I have always trusted the text in the Bible as the word of God, but today made me wonder if some of his words have been interpreted incorrectly. From Hebrew in stone to finding the consonants and then adding the vowels, time… Continue reading History of the Bible