music in biblical movies

music can greatly affect how we see things that they are paired with. they can make thing pull harder on our heartstrings than if it was accompanied by silence. that is my songs in biblical movies like the prince of Egypt even though they never happened in the actual story they were based on can… Continue reading music in biblical movies

music before sheet music

before recording, music or even sheet music was a thing songs were passed down orally through the generations. since the way things are passed down through memories of the song, it is guaranteed that we will never hear music from those ancient times exactly how they sounded back then. the only way for us to… Continue reading music before sheet music

Scavenger Hunt

We have been working on finding biblical allusions in popular music for a while and today we got to share one of our examples to the class on zoom. I enjoyed this activity because it was fun and interesting to find songs that had biblical meanings that I did not expect to have. A lot… Continue reading Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger Hunt

This discussion was so fun and insightful. I learned of so many new songs with biblical references. We discussed how sometimes as we listen to music we bypass the words and just go with the flow not realizing any words were listening to. We also talked about how much influence the Bible has on pop… Continue reading Scavenger Hunt