Bible Verses in Popular Music

I did not realize how many songs contain Bible verses. Songs of all genres contain Bible text, paraphrased Biblical text, and references to the Bible. Anything from “Gangster’s Paradise” by Coolio(rap) to “He Turns Water Into Wine” by Johnny Cash(country) has Biblical references and direct representations of Bible verses. Not only was it interesting to… Continue reading Bible Verses in Popular Music

Songs in Movies

When listening to a number of the songs from class, I felt as though the melodies and beats were found in many of my favorite movies. After realizing this I started to pay more attention to music when watching movies. I found that music is so important in films and that without the aspect of… Continue reading Songs in Movies

Musical Prayer and Worship

During our discussion of the Psalms and prayers being set to music in class today, it got me thinking about how frequently prayers are made into musical melodies throughout more traditional church services, which is what I am accustomed to attending. Music is a very powerful tool and can be very useful in services. A… Continue reading Musical Prayer and Worship

Prayer in Music

Today we started with reading “The Lord’s Prayer” or “Our Father” in the book of Matthew. We broke down the meaning of the prayer and pieces that usually are missed because of the familiarity of the verse. This prayer is very well known among many people, religious or not. I remember learning this at church… Continue reading Prayer in Music

Being Angry With God

Having grown up in the Christian church, being angry at God seemed like something that was a major “no no.” Those who have taught me what I know about Christianity basically taught that it is wrong to be upset with God. However, although it may be not the best to be angry with God, it… Continue reading Being Angry With God

Prayer, the Bible, and Music

When hearing The Lord’s Prayer, I can remember memorizing it at Vacation Bible School, saying it with my mom before going to sleep, or hearing my sister’s softball team reciting it after a softball game. The Lord’s Prayer has been set to many melodies and in multiple languages. In class we listened to “Baba Yetu,”… Continue reading Prayer, the Bible, and Music

The Lord’s Prayer

The Lord’s Prayer can be found in the book of Luke and Matthew although differences between the two passages can be found. Later versions of the text has some added words that were not originally in the text. What makes the text a bit ironic is that in Matthew, it says this right before it… Continue reading The Lord’s Prayer

The Lord’s Prayer

In class today, we discussed The Lord’s Prayer and how there are differences between the gospels of Matthew and Luke. The version found in Matthew provides a slightly longer version on the prayer that includes “but rescue us from the evil one” at the very end. The version in Luke does not include this final… Continue reading The Lord’s Prayer