Stories in the Bible

In class yesterday we talked a lot about romance and how it has its place in the Bible. What I learned, however, is there are very few (if any places) where it explicitly talks about romantic love. This got me thinking about the use of music for telling stories. Obviously, musicians when writing songs about… Continue reading Stories in the Bible

Love in the Bible

Today in class (11/02), we started by talking about a common theme in music genres. “Love” is used in so many types of music from R&B to country. “Love” is also used in practically all types of media like tv shows, movies, books, etc. The Bible is not what I first think of when I… Continue reading Love in the Bible

Jazz Performance

I went to a jazz performance last week for my BCR. I was not going in to it with super high expectations of being blown away, but I was extremely surprised how much I enjoyed it. It made me think how little live music we consume since the start of recording devices. Back in the… Continue reading Jazz Performance

Love and Music

Love is presumably the most common theme within pop-culture music throughout almost all genres. Today we took a look at the theme of love in the Bible and in music derived from the Bible. There are many examples, but perhaps the most predominant is the Song of Songs or the Song of Solomon. This text… Continue reading Love and Music

(extra blog)

Salome takes a romantic interest in John. We expect romantic elements, but why erotic elements in the bible. Song of Songs is an erotic poem but it could just be an a deeper meaning and with the metaphorical approach, they just didn’t know what to do about it. There’s so many ways to look at… Continue reading (extra blog)

Romance in the Bible

Today we looked at romance in the bible. We read some verses that talked about love. I thought some verses were interesting such as “Your hair is like a flock of goats.” How could this be talking about love? These metaphors don’t speak our language even though it is translated to English. We can always… Continue reading Romance in the Bible

Ruth & Boaz

The story of Ruth is another example of love but in a different context. This love is from loyalty. Ruth shows her loyalty and love for Naomi by making a promise to follow her wherever she goes, and despite being a Moabite who doesn’t worship God, she agrees to worship God just as Naomi does.… Continue reading Ruth & Boaz