Public Relations

SGA’s Public Relations (PR) Board serves to connect students to campus information as well as important SGA programs and updates. The board works directly with other SGA boards to engage students and encourage their involvement with all of our efforts. The PR Board interacts with students in many ways. Through campus giveaways, a strong social media presence, videos and pictures, posters and designs, and even this website, the board ensures that all are connected and informed. PR is divided into six committees, which are each headed by a student coordinator.


Social Media: coordinates Facebook and Twitter content through general SGA accounts which sponsor information on student issues and our programs. Both accounts have large followings throughout campus and are used as important contact and connection points for students.

Design Team: creates posters and digital images to be used for publicity throughout campus. Supports all SGA boards in their efforts and looks to have a standardized feel while providing all information to students in an engaging manner. You can see their content hung throughout campus walls!

Blue Crew: enhances the student experience by providing free giveaways at various points throughout the year. Items previously distributed have included SGA flash drives, phone chargers, Butler clothing, etc. All items are intended to be used by students daily throughout their college experience.

New Media: capturing our programming throughout the year is a core component of the work for our New Media team. From taking photos at large-scale events to offering video recaps, this group shares the experiences of our events with everyone campus-wide.

Event Planning: Rock the Vote and Apple for You are two events hosted by PR Board during the Spring Semester. In the election process, this group emphasizes the importance of being an informed, active citizen of campus by voting to elect its main leaders.

Webmasters: the team coordinating this SGA website looks to provide as much information and content as available for student interaction. Please email if there were ever anything you would like covered!