Revolution of EconomicsIt can be said that each man or woman added to this earth has the ability to accomplish great things with their time. And all depending on how largely of an impact that their accomplishments can effect society will determine if that person and their beliefs become a revolutionary impact. And as it is more than likely known by most people, unfortunately not all good things in life are free. In order to be capable of obtaining those material things that are not free, we look at Economics. Economics is the study of how individuals or the world as a whole work to produce or buy goods and services. This website is to provide information on certain men whose ideas about Economics became revolutionary in our current society. We cover Adam Smith, Thomas Malthus, John Maynard Keynes, and Karl Marx. Thank you for visiting, enjoy!

Karl Marx vs Adam Smith
used under CC0
John Maynard Keynes
by IMF, used under CC0