2024-2025 Staff Assembly Executive Committee

The Staff Assembly Executive Committee held their annual retreat June 17th to plan the upcoming academic year’s general meetings, strategy, and events.  Our first general meeting for 2024-2025 will be held on Wednesday, August 14, 10:00-11:00 AM, in Jordan Hall 141.  Watch for more information in August!

Congratulations to our Staff Assembly fearless leaders for 2024-2026!
L to R: Britany Goodpaster, Chair; Paige Carson, Secretary/Treasurer; Carol Baker, Vice-Chair.

The Staff Assembly Executive Committee members for 2024-2025 are listed and pictured below.
L to R: Tina Vawter, Katie Palmer, Justin Bauerle, Britany Goodpaster, Debbie Jones, Bonnie Danison, Shari Miller, Randall Ojeda, Carol Baker, Tarence Williams, Paige Carson, and Marcia Ewbank.