Staff Assembly October General Meeting Wednesday, October 20, 2021 1:00-2:00 PM Robertson Hall, Johnson Board Room Due to a change in plans, previously scheduled guests for our October 20th Staff Assembly General Meeting will not be attending. Instead, we offer…
Category: Announcements
Staff Assembly October General Meeting Wednesday, October 20, 2021 1:00-2:00 PM Robertson Hall, Johnson Board Room Due to a change in plans, previously scheduled guests for our October 20th Staff Assembly General Meeting will not be attending. Instead, we offer…
September Staff Assembly General Meeting Cancelled Please watch for information regarding our October general meeting being held Wednesday, October 20 in the Robertson Hall Johnson Board Room from 10:00-11:00 AM.
Announcing our Newly Elected Staff Assembly Executive Committee Members Congratulations to our newly elected Staff Assembly Executive Committee members who will begin their term on June 1st: Marcia Ewbank ’23 (Business Office, replacing Gina Forrest), Julie Schrader’24 (CaPS), Nick Wilson ‘24 (CAT), and John Lacheta ’24…
Staff Assembly Nominations Open April 5-14! The Nominations and Elections Committee is starting the process to elect three (3) At-Large Staff Assembly Executive Committee members. The term of each position is three (3) years: June 1, 2021–May 31, 2024. These…