Strategic Engagement Opportunities – Join the Conversation!

You are invited to engage in collaborative strategic planning conversations as we reflect on the progress made over the past five years with Butler Beyond, understand the rapidly changing landscape of higher education, and engage in meaningful dialogue and prioritization efforts for the future.
Please find the details and RSVP links for the upcoming sessions below.

Collaborative Strategy Planning Discussion: Lunch & Learn Co-Hosted by Staff Assembly
Date: Thursday, September 19, 2024
Time: 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Location: Reilly Room
All are encouraged to share their perspectives in a collaborative discussion and strategy session with Chief Strategy Officer and Executive Vice President, Melissa Beckwith. Participants can pick up a lunch voucher at 11:30 AM outside the Reilly Room.
Please note that this session is a repeat of those held during Fall Academic Workshop week.
RSVP: Secure Your Spot Here

Higher Education State of the Sector: Presented by Education Advisory Board (EAB)
Date: Friday, September 27, 2024
Time: 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Location: DH234
What are the most pressing challenges facing higher education institutions? What is the current impact on students, faculty, and staff? What will be the most impactful changes to higher ed this decade? What will competitive differentiation look like in an altered landscape? Join us for this session exploring the state of higher education with research experts at EAB.
RSVP: Secure Your Spot Here
Please RSVP for the sessions you plan to attend using the linked forms. Your participation will help us craft a strategic vision that reflects the values and aspirations of our entire community.
If you have any questions or need further information, please reach out to Sarah Beck ( or Rachel Richard ( in the Office of the President.
We look forward to your contributions and insights!