Wali Ali 2012 3 5 in Indianapolis, photo by Paula Saffire in public domain
Beloved Story Contributor and Story Reader,
The purpose of this Treasury of stories is to communicate the energy of Murshid Wali Ali Meyer. The stories in this Treasury are given, with permission, for all who would like to learn more about him.
Stories are grouped by contributor (author). Contributors are listed in the order of the date their first story was contributed with permission given. The Treasury will be enlarged as new stories and new contributors appear.
The Treasury is meant to give a sense of the “flavor” of Murshid Wali Ali’s company – his humor, his warmth (or bluntness), his ways of teaching, his states, and his transmissions.
The stories benefit by being read in the company of other stories. As we read the stories of others, we may find that something that seemed rare is actually common. Or that something that might seem off-the-cuff is actually intentional – part of Wali Ali’s art of living. Often as I read a new story, I discover a new way of understanding my own stories.
These stories are for us now. But also, they are for those in the future who want to research or simply “meet” Wali Ali. Originally it was thought that only a scholar would be willing to search for the “gems,” the “needles” in this haystack. But in fact, it seems to me, as compiler, that most of the stories are “gems,” each in its own way. This is a haystack made of needles!
You are all welcome to send stories. New contributors, you are welcome to be as full or brief as you like, to tell many or few stories, to use your own personal voice. Stories need to be clear and sincere. They should mean something to you and show something about Wali Ali. If you wish to avoid naming someone (perhaps to spare feelings or preserve peace), simply use X, Y, or Z. You can be anonymous if you wish. There will be an editing process. Send stories or an inquiry to psaffire@butler.edu
Please do not post the whole Treasury or pass it on. Be aware that the story contributors hold the copyright to their own words. The Sufi Ruhaniat International and Paula Saffire, editor of the Wali Ali Treasury, have their full permission to publish these stories on a website.
Sharing stories is one way of showing gratitude. Our interactions with Wali Ali were a gift to us and we pass on this gift to all of you. There are those of us who believe that stories are the most powerful way of communicating the energy of a teacher and a friend.
Eventually the stories in the Treasury will serve as a resource for a Group Portrait of Wali Ali. With the help of Treasury authors, I will try to focus and distill the material in the Treasury to create a portrait of Wali Ali as a gifted spiritual teacher. There is a mystery. It seems that Wali Ali did not pose, not even to himself. He kept sight of his own flaws and limitations. And yet — in spite of that? or is it because of that? — he managed to give so much to so many. How can this be?
Thank you for turning the flashlight of your attention to Wali Ali, a luminous guide and loving friend to many.
. Paula Saffire Indianapolis, February 14, 2024
with thanks to Butler University for providing a site and technical help