Excavating Armageddon: New Discoveries and Old Debates at Megiddo

Butler Classics and the Archaeological Institute of America are excited to host Dr. Eric Cline, professor of Classics and Anthropology at George Washington University, on Sept. 24 at 8pm in the Ford Salon. The lecture is entitled “Excavating Armageddon: New Discoveries and Old Debates at Megiddo” in which Dr. Cline will speak on his archaeological work at the site of Meggido, specifically focusing on  Armageddon, a real place that has seen more bloodshed and fighting than any other spot on earth. Dr. Cline has written several books on the historicity of the Trojan War and the collapse of Bronze Age societies (1177 BC), but his newest book Three Stones Make a Wall: The Story of Archaeology will be available for purchase at the bookstore. We would love to see you there! This event is also BCR approved.