Reflecting On Two Years at the AMCA Mobile Lab!

Being able to work as interns for the AMCA Mobile Lab for the past two years has been an incredible experience.

Audrey: I always enjoyed mythology growing up. I still remember doing a play presentation focusing on the myth of Bellerophon in fifth grade and how much fun I had working on it. When I came to Butler for pharmacy school I assumed my collegiate career would be consumed by science, which wouldn’t be a bad thingĀ  but I was just preparing myself to lose some of the art/literature based classes I had come to enjoy in high school. I took Dr. K’s PCA (Greek Art & Mythology) my freshman year and was reminded how important the liberal arts were to me. When I heard about the AMCA Mobile Lab internship it was something that sounded like a perfect fit, not only could I work flexible hours on campus but I could really get hands on experiences in a field I’m passionate about. My two years at the lab have taught me how to time manage, how to network, and how to take charge and build something from the ground up by just starting with an idea. As I start my year of pharmacy rotations this June I will certainly be using skills I’ve learned from class, however I also will be able to utilize so many skills I’ve gained from the lab. The lab taught me how to speak up so my voice is heard, that it’s okay to ask questions to clarify if you don’t understand, and that most importantly forming good relationships is what matters. When I started working at the lab I only knew Dr. K, but since then I’ve been introduced to so many great professors within the department. And of course, I couldn’t have done any of this without the help of Wendy, who I’m very glad I got to know much better this year through working overlapping hours. I’m so thankful for this opportunity I was given and the friends, mentors, and education it has brought me.

Wendy: Being a major in both history and classics, I have always loved going to museums and seeing the material culture from past societies. Like Audrey, after taking Dr. K’s PCA course in addition to Prof B’s course on Ancient Drama, I knew that I wanted to stay in Classical Studies. As I continue my academic career in history, I know that the skills I have learned from working in AMCA will help me in the spheres of museum and archaeological studies as I continue to interact those fields. My absolute favorite thing from working with the was being able to plan outreach events for the Butler and Indianapolis community. The lab forced me to improve my time management skill as well as learn new skills that I had no idea I would need, including how to use a 3D scanner. I am very grateful to have had this opportunity as it allowed me to make new friends, reach out to other areas of the Butler community, and prepare me for my next year as a graduate student.

Thank you Dr. Kvapil and Dr. Bungard for the amazing opportunity to work for the AMCA Lab!


Author: Wendy Vencel

I am a senior at Butler University majoring in History and Classics, minoring in Anthropology. I am currently an intern with the Ancient Mediterranean Cultures and Archaeology (AMCA) Mobile Lab at Butler. I have been able to study abroad twice with the Classics Department, first to Italy in Summer 2016 and then to Greece in Summer 2017. I am originally from Bloomington, IN and plan to attend a post graduate program in the UK upon my graduation from Butler. My greatest accomplishment as a lab intern was working on the osteological collection held by the lab.