Donate to BUCOP

Interested in donating?

Financial donations are crucial in order to allow BUCOP to continue serving patients. Every week, we must purchase medications and other necessary supplies in order to successfully operate the pharmacy. In addition to grants, we rely on generous donations to ensure we have the medications, prescription vials, labels, and other important items.

If you are interested in donating to BUCOP, please contact our Finance Director, McKensie Hagen, at Or, for a more streamlined process, click on the image below to be directed to Butler University’s donation page. 

Important: If a donation is made using this link, please be sure to select “Other Designation” under the Designation tab and type “BUCOP” into the text box labeled as If Other Designation please indicate. If this is not performed, the donation will go to the University at-large and it will not reach BUCOP itself. All donations made are safe, secure, and processed through an official Butler University server. Please feel free to contact McKensie at the email above if you have any questions about this process. Thank you for considering donating to such a worthy cause!


BUCOP Donation Link




We at BUCOP are proud and honored to receive funding from the Verizon Foundation in order to operate our smoking cessation program, A Smoke-Free MeWith the financial assistance of Verizon, we have been able to further serve our population, with an estimated 35-45% of whom being active tobacco users. The ability to provide nicotine lozenges and patches has allowed us to go above-and-beyond with our outreach to the community. Since we received the initial grant in June of 2015, we have had 22 patients sign up for the program, 9 patients return for refills and counseling, 2 patients that have successfully quit smoking, and 3 patients with multiple follow-up sessions. We are excited to continue success with the program with Verizon’s help!
