Life as a BUSF New Member

It’s pretty cool being a freshman BUSF member. The whole experience of getting in is definitely something spectacular. To get into BUSF, you have to first fill out an application. Pretty simple.  Then, hopefully you get to an interview. The personal interview (one on one) is pretty simple, all you have to do is just relax and be comfortable and you’ll do fine.  Not to scare you but its the group interview that will shake you up a little… just because there are four interviewers.  But, it’s a good thing that all the attention is not all on you and at least you’re greeted with a bunch of friendly smiles when you get there.  If you’re lucky, sometimes you have a good friend sitting right there next to you in the interview.

But overall,  its just great being a part of the organization. I got to meet some great young alums at Rejoice a couple of Saturdays ago.  Now, I really feel like I’m a part of Butler since I’m in BUSF!

Shout out to Ryan Love for telling me about the organization. Everybody have an awesome year of 2012!


Jordan Patterson

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