
I arrived at Butler University in 2009 following the completion my Ph.D. at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities in 2009. My dissertation The Rhetoric of Red Power and the Occupation of Alcatraz Island (1969-1971) explored the rhetorical dynamics of 1960s and 1970s American Indian protest movements in the context of a longstanding legacy of American colonialism and anti-Indianism. This researched launched several projects that have appeared in the Western Journal of Communication and are in press at Rhetoric Society Quarterly (April 2014) and Communication Quarterly (2014). My academic background is in rhetorical theory and criticism, public address, critical/cultural studies, feminist rhetoric, and critical race theory.

In addition to some published work in film studies (see publications tab), my primary hobby is watching movies with my spouse. My favorite directors include Stanley Kubrick, Quentin Tarantino, Michael Haneke, David Lynch, Alexander Payne, Francis Coppola, David Cronenberg, and Wong Kar-wai. We maintain a film blog at:




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