
“The most important thing I learned is to follow my passion.  This was stressed by people like Steve Jobs and Kawasaki, but operating Dawg Bytes made me realize how significant is it to follow my passion.” — Charlie Adams

“The biggest takeaway that I gained from having to take Real Business Experience was communtication skills. I am a recently transferred student into the business school; therefore, this semester how been a complete learninhg experience for me. RBE was the most helpful and biggest learning experience I have ever had. In my situation I had to learn as I went. My communication skills were improved through the multiple group presentations that we had to perform in class. Also, my communication skills were improved from the constant communication that had to occur within the team for meetings and what everyone’s responsibilities were. This class truly is a representation of Real Life Real Business.” –Nick Boyden

“The Real Business Experience has been the most practical and valuable course that I have taken thus far at Butler University. My abilities to work within a group have improved, my knowledge of business analysis has increased, and my desire to become a professional has been fostered. Throughout the course I received unique guidance from not only my professor but also all the mentors. My biggest takeaway from the course is knowing that people within the College of Business do care about my personal success and growth to become a true business professional.” -Jim Dowell