Beaver Island was originated in 1862. This island is known to be started by beavers who still rule the island. The beavers built the city as well as damns to protect it from floods and extreme weather. Beaver Island was very rural at first until 1865 when a ship crash-landed on the island. Soon after the Americans began to venture onto the island in search of food and shelter.

At first the beavers were pissed that these humans were trying to take over their island. Even though the beavers and humans didn’t see eye-to-eye they negotiated. The humans built stable towns and shacks on the island to accommodate both the beavers and the humans. Each party elected a leader. The humans elected a middle-aged man named Doug as their leader and the beavers elected Mr. Beaver as theirs.

The two leaders could not stand each other and they were always at each other’s throats. One day Doug called Mr. Beaver out and told him to meet him by his mama’s house at three o’clock. They met and fought to try to determine who was going to be the undisputed leader of Beaver Island.

The bout ended in a draw due to the fact that Doug died of rabies and Mr. Beaver died due to a stab wound. After their death the inhabitants of Beaver Island decided not to elect a new leader but that everyone was equal and that Beaver Island should remain as peaceful as possible.

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