There once was a panther named Pete. He is special because he can walk on his hind legs. He was often bullied by Lenard the lion. Eventually Lenard became king and expelled Pete out of the Amazon where they lived. So after naming the city Brazil. He used panther skills to sneak on a boat that was sending other animals to North Carolina. Exhausted from his journey he chose to pretend to be one of the captured animals and there he met Barry the bird. He said that he had been framed for a crime that he had once done. So his folk has expelled him and he got captured and he is going to the Zoo. So Pete said that he had been expelled from his clan and now is trying to get a new home. So a couple of days later Pete ended in North Carolina. So he broke the lock with sharp claws. He slipped out of the boat. Since it was Halloween there was a bag of Halloween costumes so Pete put it on and walked to the party.

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