Ain’t no such thing as a broken heart, only tears
that you still cry, and contemplated scars. The future’s
bright, you can’t see. I’ll leave the door ajar,
your name somewhere written in the stars,
but if you don’t smile it won’t gleam too far,
so mobilize ya cheek bones and put that smirk into place—
some dudes are stupid, don’t deserve the time of day,
and usually the ones you want end up that way.
Some people run through trials to see that face.
Keep ya mind open, and let the heart pace.
You are a goddess, ascend, levitate and elevate.
You’re soul army strong, stressing over empty weight,
but if you still feel like you need a hero to catch you,
I’ll hold ya mental stable, so you won’t go nuts, cashew.
I’m not a bad dude; I’m just looking for some gratitude.
Seems like you need help ascending to new altitudes.
When the weather’s looking dark, open up to a better view.
I can’t really know, I think Nirvana’s meant for you.

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