His claw was sharp, like a split harp. Then I realized he was aiming for my heart. Dragged it to my heart, my blood bled out like scars on my sleeves. For weeks and months everyone tried saving themselves from him. No one could ever dodge his sharp claws, he would come in the middle of the night to haunt his prey. People called out for help, wishing I had returned and come back to save them. So, after months passed, I came back to life, because I’m saving the world. I’m saving the world. To protect from harm and to make them feel safe. Not a lost cause if you have claws that stab in the dark and hide in the light.

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Two sides of one life, with two minds.
With 3 eyes, it’s still hard to see light,
poems with remedy, joking in soliloquies.
Still hard to hold on to loose vines—
the more you lose grip, you lose life.
They continue to drop weight on you.
A ship’s more beautiful when it sinks.
It proves the imperfect, important. Depression reeks,
the stench it stinks. Fighting for respiration,
dark skies don’t mean precipitation, no hesitation.
In my dark sometimes nothing equals something.
Don’t jump, you let them cut you to short stumps.
You’ll grow back, nevermind that, triumph.
Still no conclusions found in those two minds,
find something with that 3rd eye.
I guarantee with my life,
the answer isn’t suicide.

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You’re like an angel. When you smile. When you laugh it’s so beautiful, When you’re sad or mad it breaks me like my wings have fallen. You know how to make me laugh. You call me a weirdo only because what I do or say is weird or funny. I might have such silly things to say it’s only because I want you to laugh or smile. But when you’re around, my wings begin to spread and fly again. My wings fly away from that darkness. Sometimes we fight but sometimes we’ll get over it. You’re like the only person that I know that loves pizza. We have such the weirdest nicknames for each other. But I like that it’s like having an angel’s halo rise again.

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Any kinds of gloves without a feeling,
being there when you always
need them, working, sleeping in a
cold night, making a sandwich,
or working in the hard
stale snow or ice, you hands warm,
safe from the dirt, mud, GERMS
and even more.

Firemen, football players, chefs,
all use them. Firemen use them
to lift very hot things, football players
so the ball doesn’t fall out of
their hands, chefs so the people won’t
get sick of their GERM-infested hands.

I am okay if they cut off the
part that they touched.

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Explosions, loud, might have a smell like a bottle of nail polish thrown on the ground and getting everywhere.

Wall, person, they have similarities, they have differences, one similarity is that they are strong. A wall can withstand a punch, so can a person. A wall can stand still, and a person can stand still. Maybe a person is so strong he can be punched but his arm won’t break. Maybe a wall will stand after a missile strike. The difference is a wall can feel no pain. The wall is as strong as an elephant, goes on forever like star in the sky.

Electricity can shock your foot, legs, and arms, faster than the speed of light, strong as a punch, like a jackhammer on the ground.

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