There once was a panther named Pete. He is special because he can walk on his hind legs. He was often bullied by Lenard the lion. Eventually Lenard became king and expelled Pete out of the Amazon where they lived. So after naming the city Brazil. He used panther skills to sneak on a boat that was sending other animals to North Carolina. Exhausted from his journey he chose to pretend to be one of the captured animals and there he met Barry the bird. He said that he had been framed for a crime that he had once done. So his folk has expelled him and he got captured and he is going to the Zoo. So Pete said that he had been expelled from his clan and now is trying to get a new home. So a couple of days later Pete ended in North Carolina. So he broke the lock with sharp claws. He slipped out of the boat. Since it was Halloween there was a bag of Halloween costumes so Pete put it on and walked to the party.

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This girl named Imagine is always clumsy around Justin. She’s always daydreaming about Justin. She’s in love with him. She has been for years. Justin loves playing on his piano, he sometimes teaches her how to play. And Imagine on the other hand is very talented, she can sing and dance. She’s an unique singer, her voice is very beautiful. And here’s a weird thing about Imagine, she loves zebras and pickles, hats and she collects a lot of her favorite drinks and cans and others. But Justin doesn’t know that Imagine has feelings for him. And Imagine doesn’t know that Justin likes her. Their friendship is different from others. Their love is different they act like a couple somewhat. Sometimes Imagine second guesses herself about liking Justin. When they hang out a lot, they giggle and have fun. Sometimes when they’re in the movie theatres he makes accents like the characters in the movies. Sometimes Imagine laughs hard ends up getting kicked out. Later on that day, Imagine was talking about a wrecking ball and Justin started singing “I came in like a wrecking ball, I never hit so hard in love.” And started doing the harlem shake.

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One day the alien queen of Goofy Goober planet was walking down her diamond roads. Then suddenly she saw a turtle so she got a milkshake from the nearest igloo, grabbed the turtle and went home the jumbo milkshake tasted very zestful so she gave it to her dog. She grabbed her umbrella because it was raining. So she got a pet turtle, had a zestful milkshake and bought herself a new necklace!

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Sometimes, I don’t feel like doing anything just want to lay in bed using all my magic cause that is what I do. I can see do t hing fly levitate and freeze things. I finished what I started when the day I become a daydreamin hero. Daydreaming in my favorite singer, music video then I be singing it, “Don’t  tell me I am a heartbreaker cause my heart’s breaking.” When I freeze things like when my best friend is angry and wants to break something. Because I live in an apartment. If I could wish, I would want to be a genie, because their powers are amazing. And their clothes etc. When I’m driving in my car I’d be singing Honeymoon Avenue “You drive know how to drive in rain, but you decided not to make and change stuck and the same lien going the wrong way home.” My favorite line from Titanic, “I’ll never let go of my love.”

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“Breathing”-Jason Derulo

I only miss you when I’m breathin’
I only miss you when I’m breathin’
Without your love don’t know
how I’ll survive,it’s you, it’s you
that’s keeping me alive
I only miss you when I’m breathin’

“Hero”-Mariah Carey

And then a hero comes along
with the strength to carry on
and you cast your fears aside
and you know you can survive
when you feel like hope is gone
look inside you and be strong
and you finally see the truth
that a hero lies in you

The reason I like “Hero” by Mariah Carey is because of my hero and the hero I plan to be. I plan to be like my hero. My hero is my mom. She takes care of me and makes sure I have what I need. I don’t know what I would do without her. The love she provides for me is out of this world. I like to say “my life is a puzzle, I fall apart but in the end someone picks up my pieces and puts me back together.” That person who picks me up in the end is my mom. She’s always there. And I love her.

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