When you’re younger
Nothing seems real.
You don’t know what homicide means.
Your friends don’t sneak out or
Encourage you to steal.
Speed is what you’re after at
PBS Kids doesn’t speak of love affars.
Crack is the parts of the cement
That break your mommy’s back.
And, back then you never wanted that.
When you thought of cheating
It was at the game of Sorry!
Not on the SAT’s
Or on your high-school sweetheart.
You always hear people saying,
“Enjoy your childhood while it lasts.”
But what happens when it’s
Snatched from your grasp in
The blink of an eye
When you come home to find
Your dad passed out, drunk,
On the couch?
Your mom wiping away her tears
And stifling the cries she
Doesn’t want you to hear?

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A lot of times
people don’t look at the
children swinging at the park
or if they do, they figure
kids are doing just that;
being kids, swinging at a park.
They stroll by and hear the
squeals of excitement when one kid
jumps off
and lands catlike
and the rest “ooh” and “ahh”
at him in adoration
then they keep walking
nearing their destination in mind.
No one cares why
the kids are there
rather than at home on this
cold October evening
why dusk is creeping in and
the young ones are laughing
like they have all the time in
the world.
What if they have nothing else
to cling to but the
rusted steel links that discolor
their sweaty palms?
Because three blocks away
their mattress and sheet are
the only things in the house
that hug them.
And when their dad snorts
and their mom ran out
two years ago
who wouldn’t want to sleep in
the slide tunnel?

Because no one notices
they’re never there
and you don’t think anything
of seeing them
every time you go walk by the park.

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Music is the sunshine when hail falls to the ground. And cheating death is different than writing songs on a piece of paper. Would you rather live in Indiana than cheat death? Or live in France to write songs to the one you love? Would you rather live in California to spread your dreams to the world? But, if you really believe in music, then just go for it and make it real, rather than smelling my mom’s shoe. Hah! I couldn’t be able to be here if music weren’t here. People have a voice when they make their music, expressing their feelings to someone. Do you truly believe in music?

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I woke up to a pitch dark space. I couldn’t see anything. I started wondering where I was, and then I realized I didn’t even know who I was! Where am I from? Then it came to me. This has got to be a dream! Then I wondered, Is it a dream? I had to find out.

As I felt around on the ground, I found a medium-sized piece of glass, and I poked my hand with it. Blood started to slide down my hand slowly. Then I knew I wasn’t dreaming. Since I couldn’t really see, I relied on my hearing and touch. I even heard a cat, breathing over a mouse, waiting to devour its dinner.


All of a sudden this loud object fell to the ground. When I stood up, I started to get my vision back. I could see there was a fire escape and a lot of broken windows and a big dumpster. As I started walking toward the object that fell from the window with hesitation, I saw a light pole. I said to myself, I must be in an alley. Then I got to the object. It turned out to be a briefcase. What’s in it?

I went to open it, but then thought to myself, What if it is something bad? What if it’s a bomb?

I picked it up and opened it. There was 250,000 dollars, five passports with different names, but the same face. My face! Lastly there was a 9mm pistol. I stood up and said to myself, Who am I?

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Simple contact
The look in your eyes
I swear I can see your pain.
Laying out your hopes
I can see your dreams.
But, I’m no longer your mirror.
Don’t you know breaking mirrors is
Bad luck?
Silly boy.
Can’t you at least leave finger
Prints on my glass?
My heart?
Leave me reasons to convince
It to keep beating
Because to show you
The real you
Was my greatest feat.

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