Breast Cancer Risk Factors

A risk factor is anything that affects your chance of getting a disease, such as breast cancer.  Different cancers may have different risk factors.  These risk factors do not tell us everything, and having one or more risk factors does not mean a woman will develop breast cancer.  Some risk factors for breast cancer cannot be changed while others can be modified or reduced through healthy lifestyle choices.  The video below reviews some of the data associated with a few of these risk factors.

The American Cancer Society’s website has additional information on some of the most common risk factors associated with breast cancer.  You may find more information at


Causes of Breast Cancer

If you or a friend or family member have been told you have breast cancer, it is natural to wonder what may have caused the disease.  Unfortunately, no one knows the exact cause of breast cancer.  Scientists have done extensive research to identify different causes, but we seldom know why one person develops breast cancer and another does not.  We do know that breast cancer is caused by damage to a cell’s DNA.  We also know that there are certain patient characteristics and risk factors that may increase someone’s likelihood of developing breast cancer.  For more information and a brief video from the national breast cancer foundation, please visit the link below.



Be sure to log-on to our blog tomorrow for a closer look at some of the potential risk factors related to breast cancer.

Breast Cancer Myths

Check out these common myths about breast cancer!  The National Breast Cancer foundation provides truth in regard to several breast cancer myths.  Several myths addressed in this post include breast cancer not affecting men, mammograms spreading cancer, and daily products around the house (such as deodorant) causing breast cancer.  Click on the link below to visit their website and learn more!


Should I be screened for breast cancer?

American Cancer Society recommendations for early breast cancer detection in women without symptoms


The American Cancer Society (ACS) provides breast cancer screening recommendations for the general population.  All final decisions regarding breast cancer screening should be made between you and your doctor.  If you feel that you should be screened for breast cancer, please consult your doctor.  For more information regarding breast cancer screening recommendations, you can visit the American Cancer Society’s website at

Be sure to log on to our blog tomorrow for an announcement on a potential breast cancer screening event near you!

Breast Cancer Awareness Month – A Little Bit Better

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which is an annual campaign to increase awareness of the disease.  As part of breast cancer awareness month, each daily healthier BU blog will contain information pertinent to raising education and awareness for breast cancer.  To start October’s posts, please enjoy this video which may just get you feeling a little bit better about what breast cancer awareness month is all about. 


Here is the link to the National Breast Cancer Foundation:

Be sure to check in with our blog each day throughout October for even more information on breast cancer, screening recommendations, risk factors, and much, much more!