Did You Know? Butler Farm

Did you know Butler University has a Farm?

The Farm is managed by Tim Dorsey with the help of interns from the Center for Urban Ecology.

You are welcome to visit the Farm anytime, especially on Thursdays from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. (June through October). During that time, the Produce Stand will be open where you can purchase fresh produce harvested just a few feet away. The Produce Stand accepts cash or check.

cue farm

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Course

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)

Healthy Horizons is offering a MBSR here on campus this fall for interested Butler faculty and staff.

Course details:

  • 8 week course beginning the second week of September
  • 2.5 hour class once a week (Tuesdays 4:00- 6:30 PM starting September 9, 2014) + an all-day retreat the weekend of week six (October 19)
  • Experiential and didactic course including sitting meditation, body scan, and gentle hatha yoga.
  • Class size of 16-20 people
  • Course fee has been reduced to $250 for Butler faculty and staff for the 27 hour course
  • 25 CEUs are available for psychologists and social workers
  • Free informational orientation session will be offered prior to the course

If you would be interested in participating in this course, please email healthyhorizons@butler.edu.   At this time, you are simply just expressing interest in the program, you are not committing to attending.

What is Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction?

Many of us realize it is beneficial to be open to the exuberant potential of the present moment. We may have even read solid research lauding mindful attention to the present moment as a support for work-life balance, improved health, decreased burnout and increased well-being. But just how do we develop the humanly innate capacity for a mindful way of being amongst the flurry of life’s rigors of education, scholarship and busy personal lives? It is a practice.

There are growing data around the format of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) supporting the practice of mindfulness meditation. From an academic standpoint, this is expressed in terms such as “improving one’s attentional and emotional-regulation strategies”; experientially, it is cultivating the capacity to intentionally be present for all of life in compassion, connection, creativity and joy.

The class will be facilitated by Kathleen Beck-Coon, MD, trained to teach MBSR at the Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care, and Society at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center, a global leader in mind-body medicine. Kathleen is involved in the integration of mindfulness meditation and other mindfulness-based approaches in healthcare through research, academic professional education, university employee wellness programs (Indiana University) and community mindfulness-based stress reduction classes. She is a member of the Association for Contemplative Mind in Higher Education and the Society of Behavioral Medicine and continues to learn how mindfulness practice reduces suffering for us all.

Questions? Contact Healthy Horizons at healthyhorizons@butler.edu or extension 8143.