June Personal Best

email_PBjun15June Personal Best

  • 4 R’s For Restoring Health
  • Special Report: About Your Headaches
  • Exercise For Fibromyalgia
  • Added Sugars: How Much is Too Much?
  • Find Your Focus
  • Make Your Tablet Work For You
  • How Often Do You Use Your Smart Device
  • Identity Theft
  • IRA vs 401K
  • Here Comes the Sun
  • Start Up the Grill – Safely
  • Astute Advice for Work and Home
  • Build a Better Salad
  • Portable Salad-In-A-Jar

National Cancer Survivors Day – Sunday, June 7, 2015

cancer survivor day

Be a Healthier Cancer Survivor

Whether you’re still in treatment or long since finished, there are many ways to continue to take care of yourself. Eating right – limiting processed and red meat, and eating more fruits and vegetables – is an important part of that equation. Exercise can boost your stamina, lessen fatigue, and keep you on the road to better health.

It’s also important to get the recommended cancer screenings so you can catch any new cancers early, when treatments are more likely to be successful. For more information about what you can do stay well after cancer, call the American Cancer Society, 1-800-227-2345.

Ask Pete the Planner, June 18th, 8:00-4:00

osherov-766920 Minutes with Pete the Planner – One on One! Register at: www.SignUpGenius.com/go/10C0F4CAAAC2FAAF94-askpete2

Ask Pete the Planner Day is a unique program which gives employees the chance to meet with Pete the Planner® one-on-one. These completely confidential sessions allow employees to bring any questions they may have and get personal and specific answers. Why do I live paycheck-to-paycheck? How do I create a budget specific to my income? These are just a few example questions you can ask Pete during your session. 


Summertime Savings at Green BEAN Delivery

green bean del

We are proud to continue our partnership with Green BEAN Delivery to offer delivery of organic produce and natural groceries. Summer is right around the corner! And with local produce coming to their store soon, now is the perfect time to sign up for deliveries!

Here’s what you need to know:

  • Use the promo code Bulldogs for $15 off your first order!
  • There is no contract, no membership fees, and you have the freedom to customize your order.
  • Green BEAN Delivery is an affordable, convenient, and fun way for the whole family to eat healthy!
  • You do not need to be home to accept delivery

o   They utilize temperature controlled bins to keep your products fresh and food-safe

You may call to register, customize, or suspend your orders – or – simply visit their website at www.greenbeandelivery.com.

I want to:

-Nutrition News, Farmer/Artisan Spotlights, Recipes, and More

Contact Green BEAN Delivery with any questions or concerns at (317) 377-0470 Monday: 9am – 5pm EST, Tuesday-Friday: 9am – 8pm EST or anytime at support@greenbeandelivery.com.

Green Bean del logo

Butler Summer Games are Back!!!!

Back by popular demand, the Butler Summer Games return to campus June 3. Please save these dates:

  • Outdoor events will be held on Wednesdays 12 – 1 starting June 3 through July 29.
  • Indoor table games will be held on Thursdays 12 – 1 starting June 4 through July 23.

Check out some of the fun had by faculty and staff last summer.


A detailed schedule will be available in the coming weeks. Come join Staff Assembly Activities and Socials Committee and Healthy Horizons for a great way to get active, meet people and meet your wellness goals.

Melanoma: Know What It Is and Know How To Spot It –

What is Melanoma?


The most dangerous form of skin cancer, these cancerous growths develop when unrepaired DNA damage to skin cells (most often caused by ultraviolet radiation from sunshine or tanning beds) triggers mutations (genetic defects) that lead the skin cells to multiply rapidly and form malignant tumors. These tumors originate in the pigment-producing melanocytes in the basal layer of the epidermis. Melanomas often resemble moles; some develop from moles. The majority of melanomas are black or brown, but they can also be skin-colored, pink, red, purple, blue or white. Melanoma is caused mainly by intense, occasional UV exposure (frequently leading to sunburn), especially in those who are genetically predisposed to the disease. Melanoma kills an estimated 9,940 people in the US annually.

If melanoma is recognized and treated early, it is almost always curable, but if it is not, the cancer can advance and spread to other parts of the body, where it becomes hard to treat and can be fatal. While it is not the most common of the skin cancers, it causes the most deaths. The American Cancer Society estimates that at present, more than 135,000 new cases of melanoma in the US are diagnosed in a year. In 2015, an estimated 73,870 of these will be invasive melanomas, with about 42,670 in males and 31,200 in women.


The ABCDEs of Melanoma

Moles, brown spots and growths on the skin are usually harmless but not always. Anyone who has more than 100 moles is at greater risk for melanoma. The first signs can appear in one or more atypical moles. That’s why it’s so important to get to know your skin very well and to recognize any changes in the moles on your body. Look for the ABCDE signs of melanoma, and if you see one or more, make an appointment with a physician immediately.  Follow this link to learn more about the ABCDE’s of Melanoma.

Healthy Horizons Success Story – Uriah Eddingfield

Uriah Eddingfield

Lieutenant Uriah Eddingfield has been a firefighter with the Noblesville (Indiana) Fire Department for 12 years. He is married to Carrie Maffeo, Director of the Health Education Center at the Butler’s College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. As the spouse of a University employee enrolled in Butler’s group health plan, Uriah has been able to take advantage of Healthy Horizons services. Supported by Healthy Horizons, he changed his eating habits, improved his overall health, and lost more than 40 pounds.Faces of HH Poster-Uriah Eddingfield  Read more about Uriah’s story on the Healthy Horizons website.