Storytelling Event

October 16, 2019 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Garfield Park Arts Center
2432 Conservatory Drive
IN 46203
 Ellen Munds

A fun night for storytellers of every skill level, designed as an after-works event to relax and unwind. The theme this month is Truth or Dare. Our host, Celestine Bloomfield, will pick ten names from a hat to determine the evening’s lineup. The rules of Indy Story Slam are as follows: the stories must be up to five minutes long, personal and true, told in the first-person, and based on the predetermined theme, which can be interpreted narrowly or broadly. We just ask tellers not to use props or read from the page. The slam judges are selected from the audience, along with a time and scorekeeper, so if you don’t want to tell, you can still participate. Listeners welcomed and encouraged! Prizes are awarded to the top three tellers of the slam.

Indy Story Slam