Self Care in health refers to the activities individuals, families, and communities undertake with the intention of enhancing health, preventing disease, limiting illness, and restoring health. Self-Care exercises are also known as Mindfulness or Grounding Techniques, and are usually used to de-stress, relax, or otherwise make yourself feel good.
Self-Care is individualistic, meaning it is different for everyone. It is suggested that everyone spend a minimum of a half hour a day engaging in self-care.
Self-Care is divided into seven different types of exercises. Here are some examples:
When you feel stressed, calm down by focusing on the sensations around you – sights, smells, sounds, tastes, and touch. This will help you focus on the present moment.
Engaging in an activity that you enjoy
Give yourself a boost by doing a task that you’ve been avoiding, or by challenging your brain in a new way.
Getting in touch with your values – what really matters – is a sure way to cope with stress and foster a calm mind.
Dealing with our emotions can be challenging when we’re coping with stress. We tend to label feelings as “good” or “bad” but this isn’t helpful. Instead:
Cope with stress by getting your body moving.