A Tip From Pete the Planner: Contributing to Your Community

Your community needs you. And whether you realize it or not, contributing to your community will have a significant positive impact on your financial life. In fact, Pete the Planner’s Ideal Household Budget suggests that 5% of your income can be allocated to charity. Accounting for the needs of others has a way of creating more perspective on your financial life.

osherov-3995-2You won’t always be able to contribute monetarily to your community, but your willingness to donate your skills, time, and talent can do the trick too. Take some time and evaluate whether you are contributing resources to your community or just draining the resources of your community. True leaders always make time or free-up money to support their community. It’s never too late to start making a difference. Make it a priority to start making a difference today.

For more information and tips from Pete the Planner, please visit his website, check out his radio show, watch him on TV, or take a look at his new column in the IndyStar.

And, don’t forget, as faculty or staff of Butler University, you have FREE access to all of Pete the Planner’s financial resources from GreenCandy.com!

GC_PTPThis site is the comprehensive home to all of Pete the Planner’s financial wellness guides, videos, worksheets, calculators, and all other resources needed to make significant financial change.

In order to access the site, you will need to follow the steps below:

Step 1: Visit http://greencandy.com

Step 2: Look for the word “Register” at the top of the page and click it.

Step 3: Enter the following registration code: bulldogs

*Please note, this resource is for Butler faculty and staff only.*