Jan. 13th Health Horizons Lunch and Learn, 12:00-1:00, AU326 with Barbara McGahey Frain, MS, SCT(ASCP)cm Clinical Assistant Professor, Education Coordinator Indiana University Cytotechnology Program
Please bring your lunch and join the Healthy Horizon’s staff for a presentation by Barbara Frain – There are no less than five (and probably more) organizations publishing cervical cancer screening guidelines. Primary HPV testing was approved as a cervical cancer screening method in 2014. Numerous publications offer differing data and outcomes. With our national focus shifting to promoting wellness rather than treating disease, what are health-minded “clients” to do? We’ll discuss the history of cervical cancer screening in the United States, the current rate of cervical cancer in the US and worldwide, and how to navigate the current screening guidelines.
RSVP to healthyhorizons@butler.edu!