New Year’s Resolutions For Health And Wealth

Retirement: New Year’s resolutions for wealth, health

New Year’s is nearly upon us, and that’s when many people — including retirees — make resolutions. What’s yours? Saving money? Getting in better shape? To help retirees come up with some creative resolutions, USA TODAY asked five leading national experts to offer their ideas. Here are their suggestions:

Dallas Salisbury, 65, CEO of the Employee Benefit Research Institute: My New Year’s resolutions for myself and others are the same. For every added hour, day, week, month, year that you are able:

Focus on being healthy today with attitude, exercise, natural food, plenty of sleep and quality time and communication with extended family. Get the most happiness with minimal stress out of today.

Review your income and spending plan so that you are reminded of how much you can spend today, this week, this month and this year, in order to limit current and future financial stress.

Stay alert today to any person who appears to need help or assistance and place a priority taking the time to do whatever you can to make that person’s day and life better.