Self-Defense Class

Feeling confident and assured are great things.  In today’s world, safety ranks right up there also.  If you would like a chance to grow in all three of these areas, there is an opportunity to do so right here on campus.  All staff and faculty are invited to register for a Self-Defense Class, jointly sponsored by the Health and Recreation Complex (HRC) and Healthy Horizons.

Register if you can attend both classes:

  • Tuesday and Thursday, March 20th and 22nd
  • 12:00-1:00 PM
  • HRC 154
  • No special attire required.

Class is limited to 20 participants.  A non-refundable $10 registration fee is due upon registering.  Register at:

This link provides the registration, release and payment form.

Once registered, you will receive a confirmation email.  We look forward to seeing you in class.