We thank the Butler University Health and Recreation staff for this contribution to the Healthy Horizons blog posts!
January and the New Year means a fresh new start for many. Have you been thinking about exercising again but feel the variety of workouts and information out there is overwhelming? Well, good news! We’ve created an easy to follow physical activity calendar for the month of January. Making small, manageable changes each day is a great way to get back into your grove. Are you ready to take the January physical activity challenge? If so, download the calendar below.
HRC Spring Group Fitness Schedule: https://www.butler.edu/fitness/group-fitness-classes
Be sure to click on the links provided in the calendar for workouts.
Workout examples and resources:
Cardio: brisk walking, jogging, running, cycling, dancing, jump roping
Legs: squats, leg raises, wall sits, kick backs. Find examples here: https://www.acefitness.org/education-and-resources/lifestyle/exercise-library/body-part/legs-thighs