This Workout Is Your Secret Weapon Against Holiday Stress

the-holiday-stress-busting-workout-sliderFeeling more Bad Santa than Buddy the Elf? Restore some peace with this balancing yoga sequence –

Research shows that right now—yes, just as you’re reading this article—your brain’s mood-stabilizing serotonin is dipping. In less scientific terms, you’re one spilled latte away from going Grinch mode on everyone from your nana to Salvation Army Santas.That’s why we’re rolling out the yoga mat. If you’re convinced that pretzel twists just aren’t your jam, now’s the time to give it another go: A slew of studies confirms this mindful movement is linked to lower levels of cortisol and higher amounts of serotonin and the relaxant GABA, which may slash stress, anxiety, fatigue, even depression. “Yoga is active relaxation, which allows us to develop presence and take responsibility for the way we feel,” says yoga instructor and Yogalosophy author Mandy Ingber, who designed the spirit-lifting routine here. “By moving with your breath, you move pent-up energy throughout your whole body, and with that, we can change our mood.” Consider this your instant fix whenever you’re feeling off.

The workout: The sequence begins with a breathing exercise to restore the central nervous system, then flows through three active stretches. Alternate between the second and third poses two or three times, then finish with the last pose. Do the routine at least three times a week.

Now say it with us: Namastay calm.
