
Relevant course objectives:

  • Identify the differences and similarities found in children with exceptionalities.
  • Articulate the strengths and challenges for children with exceptionalities.
  • Understand and apply the provisions of disabilities law (such as inclusion, least restrictive environment, and IDEA) and the responsibilities of educators.
  • Have a conceptual understanding of the components of an Individualized Education Plan (IEP).
  • Understand the basic philosophical tenets of differentiated instruction.
  • Identify assistive technology devices ideal for students with exceptionalities.


Response to Intervention (RTI) as a Framework for Universal Design for Learning (UDL), Differentiated Instruction, and Early Intervention

Response to Intervention (RTI) is a multi-tiered system of support used in today’s diverse classrooms. It’s a general education initiative born out of special education legislation (IDEA).  The key ingredients of RTI include: schools who engage in teaming and collaboration; universal design for learning with further differentiation among tiers; implementation of an organized system of early identification of student strengths and concerns; and on-going progress monitoring of all students.

Click here to read about Universal Design for Learning.

Click here to read about how UDL and differentiation apply to the RTI framework.


Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

The United States’ primary special education law is called the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Part B of IDEA applies to services for school-age children and Part C applies to early intervention services for babies and toddlers.

Click here to read the 6 main principles of IDEA.

Click on the image below to watch a video that explains IDEA. You will be asked to log in after about 3 minutes. You do not need to log in, just watch the first video up until the 3 minute, 18 second mark.

IDEA – 13 Disability Categories

In order to receive special education services, a student must be identified as having one or more disabilities that adversely affects that student’s educational performance. Currently, labels are needed by law in order to get services.

Click here to read more about the categories of disability under IDEA.

Special Education: A Summary

The special education “process” offers guidance from the determination of who needs special education services to how those services are delivered.

Click here to read about the special education process distilled into 10 steps.

Click here to watch one more short video about special education.

Individualized Education Program (IEP)

Every student who receives special education and related services must have an IEP. Developing and following IEPs are responsibilities of all educators.

Read the infographic found by clicking here to get the “big picture” of the IEP process.


Continuum of  Alternative Placements & Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)

As you read earlier, LRE is one of the major principles outlined in IDEA. It’s a very big deal given that it pertains to how and where students are educated when considering a continuum of alternative placements/continuum of services.

Click here to read more about the importance of considering LRE in placement decisions.

Numerous studies have shown that most charter schools do not enroll as large of a percentage as their traditional public school counterparts. When it comes to enrollment numbers of students who have more significant needs (and thus more expensive) the gaps are even wider. As you review the graphic below consider the significance of this issue and what it means for different types of schools.



More on Universal Design for Learning

IDEA Jigsaw Teaching Articles

Assistive Tech websites assistivetech

Teach Special Education video