What does planning for the success of ALL learners look like?



Core Value Description:

We value richness in experiences, values, beliefs, and backgrounds.  Our faculty, staff, and students, as well as our school and community colleagues, come from ethnically and culturally diverse populations.  Students and faculty at Butler engage in the development of a global perspective on human development, teaching and learning.  Diversity is increased by Butler’s dynamic and newly developed program in which our campus is expanded through technology so that our students and faculty interact with people and programs around the world.

Long-range objectives:

  • The Butler CoE graduate will have a defined set of values and principles and demonstrate behaviors, attitudes, and skills that enable them to work effectively in a culturally and linguistically responsive manner with all members of the educational community.
  • The Butler CoE graduate will integrate multiple perspectives of cultural and individual differences into their professional practices, 1) by implementing instructional and assessment strategies that value cultural and individual differences, 2) by communicating in a culturally responsive and respectful manner and 3) by fostering a classroom environment that embraces cultural and individual differences and similarities.
  • The Butler CoE graduate will demonstrate the capacity to engage in self-reflection, support actions and advocate for the equity of opportunity and services for all students.


Butler College of Education Dispositions

Relevant course objectives:

  • Butler CoE graduates work to their highest potential in all academic and dispositional requirements.

College of Education Dispositions
