750: Process Writing Prompts for “Sea Oak”

A quick tip:  in class, we’ll start off by sharing our power spectrums in small groups, so you’ll want to focus on that in your process writing.  Then feel free to pick & choose among the other prompts–or to follow your own original ideas about the story–to flesh out your process writing to 750 words.

Content: Looking at the story through the lens of power

Create a power spectrum with the most powerful character at the top, and the least powerful character at the bottom.  Write a reason for each character’s placement (i.e. say why you’ve put him/her in that spot), then back up your rationale with specific evidence from the text. Note that this is the same movement as thesis:reason:textual evidence that you’ll use in your essay.

What’s associated with power in this story?  What are the sources of power?

Where would the story’s criminals fit on your spectrum?

Connections to Class Themes

Is this satire?  Why or why not?

If so, what are the targets?  What’s the point?  What should be changed?

Character Shift

How would you describe the main character at the beginning of the story?  How would you describe him at the end?  Point to specific examples in the text to back up your claims.

What accounts for that change?  Why does it happen? If there’s a tipping point, where is it?


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48 Responses to 750: Process Writing Prompts for “Sea Oak”

  1. Adam Kelly says:

    No idea if this works or not… but its 750


  2. Conor J. Owens says:


    I had trouble opening the link, but I’m pretty sure it should work. let me know if there are issues.

  3. Elliot says:

    I don’t think I did this right. I hope I did.

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