Process Writing

Here is the why and the whats-it.

And here is the how-to:

After reading an assignment, log in to 750 words or open up a Word doc.

Write toward insight, write to build meaning, write to process what you’ve just read.  Do this in a fast, loose, associative, freewriting way.  Do your best to get out of your own way.

Each time I will ask you to do process-writing, I will supply prompts (which will basically be previews of discussion questions).  The prompts are meant to be springboards, not prisons.  That is, use them if they help you get started, but feel free to depart from them if your thoughts about the text go in a different direction.

Because process writing is meant, in part, to help you prepare for our conversation about that text, it must be done before class.

Technical Steps:

Bring a print-out of your 750+ words to each class for which it’s assigned. It should be in Times New Roman, 12 point font, double-spaced with normal 1″ margins.  Feel free to refer to your 750 during class conversation. It’s also a good idea to hang onto these writings (electronic or hard copy), as they make good building blocks for essays.